Malachite Travel and Tours is a subsidiary of Malachite Holdings, fully incorporated and organised business. It was established in 2010 with a group of professionals with vast experience and skills in tourism, travel, tours, hospitality, business administration, finance, as well as wildlife and environmental management.

Malachite Travel and Tours is committed to offering world-class travel and holiday solutions. Malachite Travel and Tours is ranked among the top travel agencies in Southern Africa.

We offer our clients the coordination of comprehensive travel itineraries within 24 hours turnaround time. Our team of highly skilled staff has been trained to understand clients’ needs and offer the best options available. We both wholesale and retail our packages and this gives us the cutting edge in terms of offering our clients the most competitive prices.

Our Vision

To be Africa’s best tourism destination planner.

Our Mission

To provide world class and affordable travel and holiday solutions for our clients through quality tourism products and services. We go the extra mile to ensure we cater to our clients’ every need.